Scheduling a Presentation on Water
Sustainable Sanctuary encourages all congregations to have at least one educational program in 2014 on the water crisis and what people of faith can do about it. Experienced speakers/educators from SSC are available to do the following presentations:
The World Water Crisis and What People of Faith Can Do
What we are doing to our sacred water is a major environmental concern. Come learn
about the top local and global water issues—scarcity, pollution, water wars, and
privatization–and what can be done about them. Includes prayer, discussion,
PowerPoint slides, and practical handouts. You can also opt to show a 28-minute movie
called Water: Sacred and Profaned.
Protecting the Waters of our Bioregion
Come learn about the rivers and streams in our Middle Missouri and Central Prairie ecoregions. Find out what is threatening them and what can be done to care for them, both individually and collectively. This well-researched and professional presentation, which includes a wonderful Power Point presentation, will help you appreciate the sacred waters of our region.
The Bottled Water Blues
This presentation takes a look at the broad, lesser-known environmental impacts of bottled water, from fossil fuel and water consumption during manufacture and transport, to solid waste issues ranging from recycling to plastic marine debris. Also explores myths about water quality and the social and economic problems stemming from water shortages. A practical talk with graphics that informs and motivates people to find alternatives to using bottled water.
The normal length of these presentations is 1 to 1 1/2 hours, but can be shortened or lengthened to meet your needs.
Other Water Topics: If you are interested in other water topics, such as on water privatization, local water issues, water and health, oceans, biblical/theological approaches to water, etc., please let us know and we will do our best to find a speaker for you.
Education Venues: The presentations can be geared toward children, teens, or adults. They can be adapted to Sunday School classes, retreats, congregation groups, evening talks, and sermons.
Fee: Contact for information
To schedule a presentation: Please contact SSC Executive Director, Chad Cooper, at 816-866-5715 or