You’re convinced that caring for the Earth is important for your congregation, and we can help you get organized. Taking action through the existing structures of your congregation is one possibility and a good place to start. And we’re happy to consult with you about how to integrate Earth care into your existing structures and programs.
However, the experience of other congregations shows that a group of your congregation members dedicated exclusively to leadership of this ministry—what we refer to as a Green Team—works best for moving this ministry forward quickly and effectively. This group/committee, with the support of staff and leadership, plans and executes a variety of activities to further environmental awareness and action in the congregation.
Why have a Green Team? Often, busy clergy and staff don’t have the time to make sustainability and Earth care a priority, but a dedicated team of lay people can. Having a visible and recognized green team in the congregation shows that Earth care is an important part of personal and communal religious practice.
SSC staff and volunteers have hands-on experience in forming and participating in a congregational Green Team, and are ready to lend a hand to your congregation to make it easier for you to get started.