Exciting changes are happening at SSC. With the hiring of a development staff member, we are applying for grants, adding to our social media presence, pursuing business sponsorships, and seeking more donations from congregations.
We have already written one grant for a foundation that would be a first time donor for us, and are applying for more grants in 2014. We are also contacting local companies for sponsorship opportunities. If you work for a company that provides sponsorships to non-profits or does a company match for donations, please contact our Development Director, Michelle Morse, at michellem@ssckc.org.
We are pleased with the increased number of congregations that are supporting us financially. Some have taken up a collection for us, included us in their outreach giving, or held a fundraiser for us. We are grateful to these churches: Village Presbyterian, Country Club Christian, Platte Woods United Methodist, St. Thomas More Catholic, Unity Church of Overland Park, Grace Covenant Presbyterian, Oak Grove Christian, Rolling Hills Presbyterian, Holy Cross Catholic, Good Shepherd Catholic, Country Club United Methodist, and St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal.
Of course, our most important donations come from you, our loyal supporters. Without your financial gifts, we could not maintain our daily operations, present a variety of educational programs at little to no cost to participants, or continue our other services to congregations. With the end of the year upon us, we are truly dependent on your donations to allow us to continue doing the great work we do. Thank you for all your support in the past, and we look forward to continuing our relationship with you.
Look for new messages to be posted on Facebook and Twitter and write back. We love social interaction!