Want to use the time you spend relaxing and having fun on vacation to also help the Earth with very little effort? We have some great tips for you from lodging choices to modes of transportation.
Planning: Not sure what you want to do for your trip? Look into organizations that have volunteer opportunities. This is a great way for kids to learn about the environment and the importance of volunteering alongside mom and dad. It is a fun and interactive activity for those without children as well. What a great way to meet people and find out about the great ways people care for their community around the world.
Before you go: Unplug! Don’t forget to unplug your home appliances before leaving. You will be saving Earth’s resources as well as cutting costs from your energy bill. This way everyone wins.
Getting There: Consider alternate transportation. Long hours on the road means a lot of gas use and the drive can be exhausting. If you take a train you will save gas, reduce carbon emissions, and be able to sleep or relax. This way you can store all your energy for the adventures you’ll have once you get to your destination!
Hotel Choices: Many progressive hotels have gone green! Travelocity even has a site to help you find a hotel with green practices at your desired destination. Travelocity’s Green Directory.
Eating: Eating out in a new place is always a fun way to explore the city. Try to find locally owned restaurants central to your location that you can walk to. Walking will help you to burn more calories, because we all know calories don’t count on vacation. You could also take public transportation. Whether you walk or take the subway to a local restaurant, you will be decreasing your carbon footprint and supporting small business owners in the community.
Limited Time: Crazy summer schedules may not allow for an all-out vacation to the beach, but you could opt for a staycation. Get away from your regular schedule and start checking off items from your fun to-do list.