A new program for 2013 was announced at the recent Clergy Workshop. After hearing from Dr. Robert Martin, St. Paul’s Theological Seminary, about three Biblical-theological models for engaging your congregation in environmentalism and receiving some practical advice from Rev. Tom Are, Village Presbyterian Church; the audience was challenged to take a concrete step by committing to participate in SSC’s 100 Sermons for the Earth initiative.
The project is based on this simple idea: During the course of the year, clergy give talks and sermons on a wide range of topics of concern to those in religious communities. So why not give at least one talk or sermon during the year about the religious, moral, and spiritual imperative to be good stewards of Creation? Clergy who agree to make this commitment are encouraged to give their talk or sermon during the weekend of April 20-21 because Earth Day is on Monday, April 21. However, the most important thing is to give the talk, no matter when it happens during the year.
Clergy who make this commitment will be supported by SSC with an updated edition of our popular Earth Day Worship Resources guide. The 2012 edition included Bible passages relating to Creation, blessings and prayers, environmental quotes, sample sermons, and other useful ideas to make it even easier for clergy to plan and deliver a meaningful talk or sermon. The new, updated 2013 edition of the guide will be available in January 2013 and will be distributed electronically and free of charge to anyone who requests it.
More information on this initiative will be coming soon but in the meantime, if you are clergy person with a congregation, consider making this commitment. Email us to add you name to the growing list. If you aren’t a clergy person, you probably know someone who is so why not pass this idea along to them? Let’s collectively take this opportunity to shine the spotlight on this important topic at a time when the message really needs to be heard.