Speakers Bureau

We can provide skilled and engaging speakers on various topics related to Earth care. Inspiration, motivation and education are the core principles we bring to any gathering, whether it’s presenting to your congregation or playing a role at an event.

What we currently offer: *See descriptions below

  • Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium*
  • Awakening to the Earth Retreat*
  • The Birds and the Bees, the Flowers and the Trees: Why Should We Care About Biodiversity?*
  • Created Co-creators: The Future of Our Human Family*
  • Creation Prayer Stations*
  • Ethical Eating: Food, Justice, and the Environment*
  • Faith Perspectives on Climate Change:  It’s all about Love!!*
  • A Faithful Response to Global Climate Change*
  • Global Environmental Issues and Stewardship of the Earth*
  • Knowing and Loving God through Creation*
  • Partnership with Creation: Connecting Religion, Spirituality, and Ecology*
  • Sacramental Theology and Creation Care*
  • Simple Living and Gospel Values*

Download & Print SSC Speaker Bureau Information Sheet to email and give to your green team or congregation leaders.


Most of these programs can be adapted to fit whatever timeframe works for your group or congregation. They can be given in any adult education context, including a Sunday school class, a bible study, a talk to a group, a retreat, an evening presentation, etc.

The stipend for each program is negotiable, depending on the length and the size of the group. The payment is made to Sustainable Sanctuary, rather than to the speaker. It can be mailed to: SSC, PO Box 732, Mission, KS 66201 either before or directly after the program.


Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium – by various trained SSC facilitators

This 5-hourworkshop, developed by the Pachamama Institute and presented worldwide, will give you:

  • An understanding of the crisis we face and the thinking that underlies our environmental problems
  • Inspiration/insights from video clips featuring some of the most visionary people and authors of our time
  • A new vision of society and an appreciation of the extraordinary possibilities emerging at this time in history
  • Greater hope as you learn about creative solutions and  the millions worldwide working for change
  • An opportunity to engage in interaction with kindred people and see the critical role you can play

The Birds and the Bees, the Flowers and the Trees: Why Should We Care About Biodiversity?– by Rev. Dwight Tawney

The rich variety of life on earth is commonly referred to as biodiversity. At least 40 per cent of the world’s economy and 80 per cent of the needs of the poor are derived from biological resources. Massive declines in these resources pose increasing challenges to economic stability and human well-being. This class/talk will explore the importance of biodiversity and why it matters to human communities.

The Rev. Dwight W. Tawney is Village Presbyterian Church’s Administrative Pastor. He loves to teach and offers a number of weekly classes in Bible, Theology, and Church History.  Dwight is currently president of the Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition.

Created Co-creators: The Future of Our Human Family – by Rev. Dwight Tawney

How does Christian theology view the future of our human family? The Bible suggests two very different scenarios: apocalyptic and prophetic. The former is based on a view that has given up on human initiative; the latter holds out hope for a transformed tomorrow. This class will examine these views in light of growing threats to our environment and the challenges we face to ensure a sustainable world for future generations.

The Rev. Dwight W. Tawney is Village Presbyterian Church’s Administrative Pastor. He loves to teach and offers a number of weekly classes in Bible, Theology, and Church History.  Dwight is a past president of the Sustainable Sanctuary Coalition.

Creation Prayer Stations – by Rev. Suzanne Kerr

An experience of connecting your love of creation with your prayer life. Explore new and creative ways to celebrate and honor creation through prayer and worship.

We will discuss and experience multiple creative prayer stations centered on creation. It is an opportunity to participate in prayer that engages all of our senses such as drawing, creating with clay, lighting a candle, and looking a photos.  Creative prayer stations offer us opportunities to focus our attention, open ourselves to God, and participate differently in prayer than we might normally do. Includes input, resources, and ideas for creating prayer stations for your congregation or personal use.

Rev. Suzanne Kerr is a pastor at Lee’s Summit Christian Church.


A Faithful Response to Global Climate Changeby Jerry Rees

People of faith increasingly regard human-induced global climate change as the overarching moral, social, economic, environmental, national security, and theological issue of our age. The reality of climate change is already upon us in the form of extreme weather events and we may soon encounter irreversible tipping points. What is the evidence? What are the consequences? What can individuals do? How should faith communities respond?  Come, learn, and discuss.

Jerry is a past SSC board member, the chair of Village Church’s environmental team, and is involved with Presbyterians for Earth Care, Heartland Earthkeepers, and Kansas IPL. He attended a 3-day Global Climate Change Training for Faith Communities in preparation for this talk.

Global Environmental Issues and Stewardship of the EarthRob Reiman

This program provides an introduction to global environmental issues, including falling water tables and rising temperatures, and their relationship to declining grain and food.  Will feature important facts and data made available by a number of distinguished scientists and authors.  It begins with a beautiful nature show, reminding us of the wonders of God’s creation.  It ends by highlighting a number of positive changes occurring around the world to address these environmental challenges.

Rob Reiman leads the environmental ministry at St Paul’s United Methodist Church in Lenexa and is the director of The Giving Grove, a nonprofit that promotes the planting of fruit and nut trees.


Sacramental Theology and Creation Care – by Rev. Ryan Thrasher

This presentation will focus on the essence of Christian sacramental theology and how it affirms the capacity for creation to effectively communicate God’s grace and love. Will also explore related questions:

  • Does creation exist merely for human benefit or is creation endowed with the divine image, possessing an integrity of its own?
  • How can the bread and the cup of the Eucharist be the symbolic essence of Christ when the soil they come from is contaminated?
  • How can the waters of Baptism be effective at communicating new life and rebirth when the waters is full of mercury?
  • How do we introduce the Christian tradition’s affirmation of the goodness of creation and related spiritual and ethical disciplines into our congregations?

Rev. Ryan Thrasher is a resident associate minister at Community Christian Church in Kansas City, MO.


Simple Living and Gospel Values –  Rob Reiman

There are plenty of compelling reasons to live a more simple life, but the daily grind at work, home, and school often leaves us unable to find the path to simplicity.

Join us in a workshop that explores the meaning of simple living.

  • How does a simpler life connect to our spirituality?
  • How can a simpler lifestyle benefit the planet?

This course will offer meaningful and straightforward approaches to beginning a transformation to a simpler lifestyle, in harmony with God and God’s creation.

Rob leads the environmental ministry at St Paul’s United Methodist Church in Lenexa and is the director of The Giving Grove, a nonprofit that promotes the planting of fruit and nut trees.